Transform Your Finances

Do you make decent money, but don't know where it goes at the end of the month? Do you need help gaining clarity and control over your finances? I would love to help you! In reality, we aren't just going to transform your finances. I take a wholistic approach to finances, doing work on your mind, body and soul. We will work together to take a

My Story

When my husband and I got married we didn’t have the slightest clue how to manage our money and already had credit card and student loan debt.  We went into more debt to pay for our wedding and honeymoon.  The same year we got married, we bought a house and had to borrow the $5,000 down payment from our parents.  Eventually we found ourselves $80,000 in debt, not including our mortgage.  We were discouraged, scared and lost at how to climb out of this hole we found ourselves in.  We felt completely daunted at how to dig ourselves out.  We thought we would have to claim bankruptcy just to escape.  We were so far behind, it felt like no matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t get ahead. 

We felt like we needed some guidance.  We reached out for recommendations and what we got were people trying to sell us investments or insurance instead of helping us.  I realize now what we needed was a financial coach, but I honestly didn’t know they existed!  

We started following Dave Ramsey and started to talk more regularly about our finances, making sure to pay our bills on time.  Day after day I would listen to Dave Ramsey as he chastised me.  We didn’t resort to rice and beans, beans and rice, but we did try to cut back our spending.  We realized we need to live below our means in order to get ahead.  Each time we would pay off a credit card, it was like an adrenaline rush and a huge sense of accomplishment.  Now, we use debt strategically and have a net worth of half a million dollars and climbing.  We have disposable income to be able to travel and dream big with our financial goals. 

I now consider myself a recovering Dave Ramsey follower and have developed my own financial philosophies.  I believe everyone’s situation and needs are different and require different approaches.  I’ve become very passionate about helping others in making sense and taking control of their finances, planning for the future and most importantly achieving their goals.  


“ Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate. ”

Christine Walters